Will TikTok thrive or pull a Vine?

Published on October 2, 2019

Our founder Ryan Kustcher was featured on Campaign Live sharing his thoughts on TikTok. Here's is his part of the article in case you missed it:

β€œIt's like neighborhoods in NYC, Tik Tok is Bushwick right now, and there are a few forces at work fueling that. As Facebook/Insta have aged, and matured their business models those digital neighborhoods basically got brand gentrified and turned into Times Square. FB aged into your grandparents platform, instagram keeps prioritizing paid users (brands), and de-prioritized individual content creators. All of that has left a big opening for Tik Tok. If Tik Tok can figure out how to leverage meaningful metrics, brands will be interested. Can they do that without fucking up everything that people love about it? Probably not after Facebook buys it.”


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